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2006-08-23 - 8:51 a.m.

Oh my God! I�m so old.
A psychic once told me that I would die before I turned thirty. If you tell a small child that she will die at thirty, she is too young to be upset or even doubtful. Instead, she may simply accept it as a given. And so, I took it as fate. I never made any life plans that included me getting any older. Now, I�m well beyond the psychic�s prediction. Good God, I am thirty-two today. I have to actually consider a future that involves my growing old. Maybe I�ll even live until I�m a hundred. I honestly never thought about what it might be like to be old. It never even crossed my mind that I would someday need to think about anything beyond the big three-oh. This is kind of cool.
Old, old, old. I am so very old.

Bring on the prezzies and cake!

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